Universities unltd: Universities & The University Experience

Showcasing Universities - Stateside and International - and The University Experience.
Find Universities and University-related Products and Services. Connect and Interact with those who share your interest in University Education and/or affinity for a particular University.
Below you'll find Merchants and Products which speak to the topic of this site and which, in keeping with our mission as The Web's Concierge, have been carefully chosen and individually screened for your shopping ease and pleasure. They are not paid ads, but rather companies with whom we have selectively chosen to partner. We do earn a referral fee if you find something you like or need and purchase it. We have striven to bring you the "best in breed" companies ... those that: we like, our friends like, have great sites and service, have good online reviews, positive consumer reports, and are family friendly. Keep us posted with regards to your own personal experiences with them.
You may be surprised at companies that have not been included. The "noisiest" in the marketplace are not always the best. We have chosen 1) newer innovative companies that are performing well and garnering respect in their respective niches as well as 2) "Main Street" companies that have been reliably getting the job done for decades ... in some cases centuries. Our oldest partner, thus far, has been in business since 1819! That's staying power.
Rest assured, if we've included a certain vendor in a site's line-up, there's a very specific reason for it. You may have to hunt and poke a bit, but it'll be well worth the effort. Enjoy the adventure!

The Leader of the Pack
Customer Favorites:
Amazon: One of the planet's most mind-boggling arrays of goods. First came the books. Now they've added every other product on the planet. The ultimate in selection and convenience across multiple categories.
Art.com: If you love Art ... any kind of art, any subject ... you're gonna love this site. It's a feast for the senses. You can browse by subject, genre, artist, room to be decorated, and even color palate. Once you've found the image you've been looking for and/or can't live without, then you have multiple product types to choose from ... there's even a great selection of wall tapestries. You'll have fun here ... no matter your special interests or current decorating mission. Their tag line says it all: "Find Your Art, Love Your Space."

Beyond.com: A platform ... a Career Network ... dedicated to matching potential employers and job seekers ... there's even an iTune app.

Campus Book Rentals: THE leading "renter" of college textbooks. Word has it - if you need it, they've got it and are super easy to work with...

Care.com: The largest and fastest site dedicated to "care" on the globe ... dedicated to helping you find caregivers ... babysitters, nannies, child care and senior home caregivers - near you. Post jobs for babysitting, tutoring, home health care, pet care, etc. Even find your next housekeeper! Featured on ABC and USA Today. (As always ... when you're dealing with the well-being and safety of your loved ones ... it's always good to go an extra 10,000 miles in the "due diligence" process. That being said, it's a valuable resource. And we've all been in these shoes.) The site also offers much information on the subject of caregiving. The service also provides an earning opportunity for caring college students.

Compact Appliance: Offering a comprehensive line of compact home appliances for today's small spaces (condos, dorm rooms, RVs, etc.) and unique applications (think wine coolers, "kegerators", and even countertop dishwashers).
DegreesFinder: Helps you, the busy professional, advance your career objectives and reach your academic goals by matching you with over 50 leading accredited schools and 600 degree programs - associate, bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees ... for free.

eCampus: College Textbooks - Buy, Rent, and Sell ... Easy, Fast, Cheap. College "Branded" Apparel too. A Favorite.
Grammarly: Providing Instant Grammar Checks and Online Proofreading ... the Software Suite that will help you perfect your written English!
Harvard Business Review: Since 1922, HBR has served as the ultimate literary - albeit erudite - companion of business-minded individuals. It holds an enviable position as an unrivaled source of information and means for communication within the business world. The research-based magazine will keep you up to date on the latest trends, people, and business practices that are defining the current corporate realm. In short, good and handy stuff.
MIT Technology Review: A periodical dedicated to innovation, with features on specific technologies, and a focus on the process by which new technology gets out of "the lab" and into the marketplace. Also one of the the only publications that can reliably inform readers about those areas of technology where ''staying ahead of the curve'' matters most - information technology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology. Good stuff here ... a favorite.

Online Sports: Just a fun place to browse for anything and everything sports - gear and equipment, accessories, apparel, memorabilia, and gifts. You'll find something for the fan of ANY sport ... from sports themed home furnishings to sports gear to jewelry. Be forewarned ... the "search" function is not as efficient as it could be ... but they've got the stuff! Very, very cool!